Fremantle Ports Illuminations
What is Fremantle Ports Illuminations?
Fremantle Ports operates twin Epson laser projectors, located in E Shed, projecting onto the eastern (front) wall of the Fremantle Ports Administration Building. The projectors operate only in the evenings, generally between 7pm and 11pm, depending on the season. The asset is controlled exclusively by Fremantle Ports, which will determine duration of projections.
What is it used for?
Fremantle Ports uses this asset to showcase the port’s activities, projects and achievements. This includes what the organisation is doing with the community, such as sponsorships. Activation of Victoria Quay is another subject matter theme. It also makes the Fremantle Ports Illuminations available to community arts and culture groups, by agreement. There is no cost charged by Fremantle Ports.
What can be displayed?
The projectors can show still images, moving images and animation. Fremantle Ports has a strong preference for using portrait-format content, due to the shape of the building. Landscape content is not preferred. Generally, two to three projections are scheduled and play in sequence. The system currently does not incorporate audio, though there may be audio opportunities on the paved area west of E Shed in the future. Wholly-commercial projections (advertising of goods, services or products) are not supported, unless there are compelling reasons (for example, it is an upcoming place activation initiative on Victoria Quay).
How do I approach Fremantle Ports regarding my content?
For content to be considered for projection, please fill your project information in the form below.
What does it cost?
There is no charge to post an illumination, but we do ask that you tag Fremantle Ports and Victoria Quay and encourage your audience to come down and see your event/ artwork in real life!

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