Recreational Boat Users
Fremantle Port operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and there are more than 3,500 shipping movements annually in the Fremantle Inner Harbour, the approach channels and Cockburn Sound. It is vitally important that shipping and boat users safely navigate the port's 383 square kilometres of water. Recreational boats must keep clear of commercial shipping in all WA ports (see Department of Transport regulations)
Steer clear
- Small boats must steer clear of ships and give way to any large vessel.
- Just because you can see a ship doesn't mean it can see you.
- Remember that ships visiting Fremantle are up to 150,000 tonnes; they cannot stop or change course quickly and they are often travelling faster than you think.
- Don't anchor in shipping channels. Marked shipping channels should not be used for fishing or other recreational uses.
- Keep 50 metres clear of all shipping at all times, whether ships are berthed or moving.
- Don't tie up to navigation aids, such as buoys and markers.
- Keep to the 8-knot speed limit in the Fremantle Inner Harbour and keep to the right of the main channel.
- When you are travelling through the Fremantle Inner Harbour in your boat, don’t stop or turn your boat around to look at ships.
- Keep clear of berthing ships to avoid being caught between a ship and a berth.
Travel through port waters safely Collapse and expand this accordion
Keep clear of shipping movements Collapse and expand this accordion
Ships have limited vision Collapse and expand this accordion
Ships have limited manoeuvrability, so keep clear Collapse and expand this accordion

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