Fremantle Ports is releasing a new look access card. For more information see New Fremantle Ports access cards.
The MSIC (Maritime Security Identification Card) is a nationally recognised identification card which demonstrates that the holder of the MSIC has been cleared by the ACIC/ASIO (AusCheck) and is not a threat to the maritime or offshore industry. A standard MSIC is valid for either 2 or 4 years.
MSIC - covers areas within regulated ports, around and onboard regulated Australian ships, which have additional security requirements, and security zones on offshore oil and gas facilities. The MSIC is not an access card. Access remains
under the control of the port operator or offshore facility.
Fremantle Ports Access - will provide access to Fremantle Ports' Maritime Secure Zones: Fremantle Inner Harbour Berths 1 & 2, 11 & 12, Victoria Quay,
Kwinana Bulk Terminal and Kwinana Bulk Jetty.
Fremantle Ports can issue 3 types of cards. Choose one:
What if my MSIC and/or access card is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged? Collapse and expand this accordion
Who can I contact for more information? Collapse and expand this accordion
What is a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC)? Collapse and expand this accordion
What are maritime security zones? Collapse and expand this accordion
How do I know if I will need an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
When did the MSIC scheme start? Collapse and expand this accordion
Where can I apply for an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
What is an MSIC issuing body? Collapse and expand this accordion
What documents will I need to fill in and provide to get an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
What background checks will I undergo? Collapse and expand this accordion
What is the role of MSIC issuing bodies during the implementation phase? Collapse and expand this accordion
What happens if I am unsuccessful in obtaining an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
Will issuing bodies and employers have access to the information and details of the background checks that were conducted on me? Collapse and expand this accordion
How long is an MSIC valid for? Collapse and expand this accordion
What happens to my card if it is cancelled? Collapse and expand this accordion
What happens if my card was cancelled but I now find myself working in the industry again? Collapse and expand this accordion
What happens at the end of the MSIC’s validity period? Collapse and expand this accordion
How long will it take to get an MSIC from when I submit my documentation? Collapse and expand this accordion
How much will it cost to get an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
When do I have to display my MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
How do I need to display my MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
What will happen if I don’t display an MSIC? Collapse and expand this accordion
MSIC Privacy FAQ Collapse and expand this accordion
MSIC Service Centre (Monday-Friday 8am-4pm)
Postal address:
1 Cliff Street, Fremantle
Street address:
1 Cliff Street, Fremantle
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 9430 3417

MSIC resources
New Fremantle Ports Access CardNew Fremantle Ports Access Card
Online Booking ServiceBook an appointment online
Conditions of Entry to Fremantle PortsConditions of entry to Fremantle Ports updated June 2023
MSIC Application Guide 2024.07MSIC Application Guide 2024.07
FP Access Only Application July 2024FP Access Only Application July 2024
MSIC - Company Letter TemplateSee the example letter you need from your company
Fremantle Ports Access Only - Company Letter TemplateSee an example of a letter you need from your company for Fremantle Ports access
MSIC Conditions of UseDownload
MSIC PrivacyFAQs
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