Safety, Environment & Quality Policy
Our Commitment to Safety, Environment and Quality
Fremantle Ports is the strategic manager of the Port of Fremantle in Western Australia. Our mission is to create value by connecting Western Australia to global markets.
Our services include port planning, shipping and wharf-side services, bulk and container logistics, trade facilitation, emergency response, strategic asset management, property services and project management.
We recognise that excellence in managing our occupational health and safety, environmental and quality responsibilities is essential to our business success, and we strive to meet these responsibilities through our management system.
This system contributes to the sustainability of our business by ensuring that we:
- apply sound risk management
- consistently provide excellent internal and external customer service
- comply with our legislative obligations and wider commitments
- consult and engage with our employees, contractors, suppliers, port users and tenants, contractors and suppliers
- build and maintain positive links with our community
- possess the necessary skills, knowledge and resources
- make open and transparent decisions based on data, information and knowledge
- avoid errors, incidents and duplication
- monitor, measure and record our performance against targets
- continuously improve, innovate and apply best practice principles.
This policy has been developed and is reviewed in consultation with Fremantle Ports’ employees, our community and other stakeholders.
The Board and the Executive Team set the direction and are responsible for providing the leadership and resources to support the development and implementation of this policy. Our managers and supervisors are responsible for demonstrating visible leadership in safety, environment and quality to ensure this policy is effectively applied.
All Fremantle Ports employees and contractors are responsible for following this policy and the associated directions, procedures and systems, and for challenging non-compliant or ineffective practices.
Fremantle Ports is committed to sustainability, good governance and continuous improvement through its Business Plan and its safety, environment and quality management systems.
In all areas our focus is to:
- continually strive for excellence and improve our systems to achieve excellent outcomes
- perform beyond compliance
- sustain the port's social licence to operate
- maximise opportunities and minimise risk.
We are committed to:

- Continually strive for a safer workplace
- Care for and support the well-being of our people
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injury and ill-health
- Minimise environmental risk
- Protect the environment and prevent pollution
- Consistently meet and work to exceed customer, community and other stakeholder expectations
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